Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Girls

Wow! This kid is seriously smart! She has a question for everything, and when she's not digging for details, she's giving me her own thoughts... Not only does she have to know the "Why" of things, she has to know the "When" of EVERYTHING! She wants you to sit down and tell her what we will be doing every single minute of the day, every day of the week! "Where'r we going next?" is her favorite question. Don't know the exact stats on her height and weight right now, but I know at her last Drs Appt she weighed 31lbs. She is my little Princess Diva :)
This girl is one little spitfire too! She has taken to saying "No" all the time. When you tell her to pick up her toys - No. When you ask her to hand you something - No. When you ask her if she just bit her sister - NO! The terrible-twos have come early with this child. I think Tatum's language skills are what amaze me the most with her... she speaks in sentences and phrases! I know that she will do things sooner because she is watching her big sister, but it is still so neat to see how she figures out words and phrases. She pee-peed on the potty for the first time last week! I have to put her on the commode all the time because she wants to be like big sister, but usually she doesn't actually do anything while she is there... But last Thursday - Yay, Pee-Pee!!! This baby also weighs 30lbs, but she is still much shorter that Cadence (she really does look kinda like a dwarf to me).
Both of the girls will be starting Pre-School in just 2 short weeks. I am excited and a little sad at the same time... I know that Pre-School is just getting them ready for Kindergarden and I'm SOOO not ready for that!

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