Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 wk check-up

Went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly check-up and everything is going great! The baby's heartbeat was 184 beats per minute and sounded like a little choo-choo train! Cadence went with us too, and I felt overwhelmingly blessed watching Dave hold her and listening to the new baby's heartbeat at the same time... I feel so lucky to be her mom, and equally lucky that I will also be Mommy to this new child.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Feeling awful today... I think I have some sort of stomach bug! On top of being tired as all get out (thank the good Lord there will only be a couple more wks of that) I have been having stomach problems for a couple of days now... yuck!

On a positive note, if I feel better, Dave, Cadence, Mumsie and I are going to Atlanta this weekend to take Cadence to the Georgia Aquarium and to visit her Nana (my mom)... hope it all goes as planned.

I just can't wait to go home and go to bed! :(

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

As any of you who know me know - my Uncle Mitch died in August of this past year. My family has had a hard time with it, and we all think about him every day. Although I had Dave (and he is a wonderful comfortor) I realized after his death that, being the only child in my family, I would have to deal with and endure the deaths of each of my remaining family members alone... and it made my heart hurt. After having Cadence I thought that I didn't want any more children - that I would just spoil the dickens out of her, but I realized that I would be leaving her with the same burden that I will someday face. Dave and I decided immediately that we didn't want to do that to her, so I went the first week in September to have my IUD taken out. After a few months of regular periods and negative tests January 14th turned out to be my lucky day... Our first positive pregnancy test!

Now I am eight weeks pregnant and determined to love every single minute of it. The baby is due September 18th, almost a month after Cadence's 2nd birthday (am I crazy or what?!). Dave is really hoping for a little boy, but I am really hoping for another baby girl... we will, of course, be happy with whichever we get, and as we are not finding out the sex of the baby we will both be surprised on that blessed day. Please pray for our growing family and thanks for all of your support.

Cadence is doing magnificently by the way. She is learning new words every day and is glad that the weather is finally nice enough to play outside! I'll try to keep up with this blog - if you need an update though, the best way to get one is to e-mail me!