Friday, March 18, 2011

Tatum - 18month checkup

Tater Bug went for her checkup on Wednesday and got a great report! Her stats were : Height - 31 inches (25% percentile), weight 27lbs (60th%), and I never remember the stinkin head circumference, but it was (90th%). She has gone down on her weight chart, but the doc says that's normal for 18mo-2yrs because they stop growing so fast. (and she has had a decreased appetite) She is doing perfectly developmentally and is talking more and more every day. She can now even say "I Love You" :). Makes my heart melt. I promise that I will get some pics soon! And if all else fails - we are going to Atlanta for a mini-vacation next week, so we'll be taking lots of pics at the zoo and with Nana! Hope you all are feeling as blessed and loved as I do. ♥ P.S. We still don't know an interview date for Dave, but I am still bursting at the seams for him :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The doctor's office called me at 7am to tell me that Cadence's test results came back negative for RSV, but that her culture did grow bacteria... I guess this is fine, they didn't really elaborate on what that meant, just said to make sure she takes ALL of her antibiotic. Next piece of new for the day - Dave made a 100 on his physics midterm!!! I am so proud of that stinker I could scream it from the rooftops! I just can't wait for him to get his call/letter/email about his interview date! This weekend we went to TSC to see some adorable baby goats, then we went to Aunt Sommer's house and played in her yard for a couple of hours. (Her yard is better than ours because it is full of acorns :)) Then yesterday I took the girls to church by myself... usually when Dave has to work the night before I will just stay home on Sunday and get things done at the house, and on those days I send the girls with my inlaws to their church. We have been "visiting" Dry Creek church for a while now, and we are truly considering moving our membership in the near future. I LOVED the Sunday School class yesterday, and Dave is excited about going this Sunday. Plus this church is closer to home, it is only about 20mins from our house. The people are always so welcoming and friendly, and they treat us like we have always gone there. I am really going to do my best to go on Wednesday night too, I would like for us to get back to going several times a week. We haven't had pics made in a while, but I'll see what I can come up with and get those posted soon. Hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things I wish she didn't get from her Daddy

You know, I'm sure that Dave would rather not have both our girls be the little divas that they are... you know, high maintenanced, highly opinionated little princesses, but they had to get something from me! :) hehe! Well, they both have inherited something from him that I don't appreciate either... ALLERGIES! Up to this point Tatum has been the one that has had chronic sinus trouble, but after changing doctors and getting put on antibiotics for 5 straight weeks, she has done much better. Now Cadence is in bad shape! She has an upper respiratory infection (we are waiting on a culture to tell if it is RSV) that is causing her big trouble. Bless her heart, she is snoring loud enough to wake the dead! She is now on antibiotics again (2nd time this year) because the doctor says she is just going to be like her Daddy - chronic allergies. There is also a big possibility that she will have to have her adenoids removed... So thank you, David Reynolds, for giving my girls that gene! NOT!!!!! (On the plus side - my big girl has finally reached the 30lb mark!!!!! Hallelujah!)

Big Deal!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Dave turned in his application to the Physical Therapy Assistant Program today! This is a huge milestone at our house and I will be picking him up something special on my way home. The director of the program has already estimated that there will be over 300 applicants this year, and they only accept 32, so we are praying hard and having faith that God's will is for him to be chosen. He still has a 4.0 GPA so that will help some too. We should receive a letter giving Dave a time for his interview within the next couple of weeks. He will have to do this interview in front of 5 people, which makes him REALLY nervous, but we have been practicing, and by the time he goes for it in April - he will be a pro!!! He has worked so so so hard for this for the last 2yrs and it is exciting and scary to now be at the deciding point. Please keep us in your prayers and I'll be sure to post the date of his interview whenever we find that out... Thanks all.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cadence - 3.5yrs

My Cadence Morgan has turned into a Drama Queen! Lord help you when she doesn't like what you have to say because she will grit her teeth and say "No, Your Not Tell Me That!" Needless to say, we are getting spankings left and right for attitudinal adjustments :). She has opinions about everything and doesn't hesitate to share them with you. She is still in Pull-Ups right now, but most days we go without any accidents and I always let her wear panties when we are at home. Cadence still loves school (even on mornings it is hard to get her out of bed) and she has a different boyfriend every week. Her favorite thing to play right now is dress up princess. My mom got her a trunk with several different princess outfits for Christmas and she loves to get decked out in the dresses, shoes, crowns and jewelry. She is still skinny as a rail and doesn't weigh 30lbs yet... I hope she keeps her metabalism when she gets older (unlike her chunky monkey Momma!) At night she still sleeps with me, hopefully she will get moved back into her bed over the summer, but if not, we aren't stressing about it. Truthfully, she won't be little for long and I don't mind her being in the bed with me a bit! Last night she called me into the room and said "Momma, your need to turn my midifyer on please" (while holding one hand over her chest). She says the cutest things when she isn't being a hellion. Cadence gets tired of Tatum following her around all the time, and is flat-out mean to her a lot, but I'm sure it's the same with any siblings that young and close in age... Cadence Morgan is my big girl and I still love her to pieces!

Tatum - 18 months

This little girl is BeAuTiFuL!!!!!! Oh man, to see those pretty blue eyes and those sweet little teeth when she smiles.... wow. Of course, I'm her Momma, so I can say those things :). Right now, she can say : Momma, Daddy, Sissy, Foo-Foo, Kitty Cat, Pop-Pop, Pa, Grandma, Nana, Mumsie, Go, No, Down, Ball, and babble (which she does ALL the time). She will say "Momma! Gobble gibble, foo biss coww" - which means absolutely nothing, but she says it seriously like she's telling you that she would like to wear a green shirt today! Her favorite word is No (of course) and she uses it often. Tatum is a little love-bug... she will give her Momma kisses all day long and Momma loves getting them :). She also adores Cadence and follows her around every day saying "Sissy, Sissy!" She wants to do whatever big sis is doing, eat whatever big sis is eating, and wear whatever big sis is wearing. Oh and you should see this child priss around! I put a bow in her hair and say "Oh, how pretty" and there she goes - bobbing her head and prancing around! I can't wait for the pageants this year! I'm wondering if she isn't a dwarf because of her extremely short stature, but I guess we'll find out next time we're at the doctor :). I'll post her stats in a couple of weeks after her 18mo checkup :) Love me some Tater Baby!!!

Hello, Are You Still There?

Has anyone missed me? Seems like I dropped off the planet huh? So sorry about the lag in postings, but I'm going to get right on it! I have been busy busy with the business (check it out ). My mom is helping me with a booth this Saturday, so I'll have plenty to tell about with that, but right now, I want to catch up with the family... stay tuned...