Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tatum - 9 months

Tater Bug's 9 month check-up was yesterday and all went really well. Here are her stats:
22lbs, 3oz - 90%
27 inches - 30%
Can't remember head circumference, but I'll edit it in here later :)

I told the doctor that I was concerned about her weight, but she told me, AGAIN, that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Tatum's weight and that she was perfectly healthy. She said that Tatum just looks so rolly because she is so short and that between 9 and 12 months, and especially when she starts walking, that she will slim out some. She said to give her carrots, celery, and steamed veggies to snack on as well as any soft fruit. Developmentally she is doing "excellent" and is reaching every milestone she should be at this age. She didn't have to have shots, but did have to have her finger pricked to check for anemia. All in all a great visit.

On a side note, Cadence was talking to Dr. C about her baby sister and Dr. C looked at me with this big grin and said "My my, she sure does have a drawl doesn't she!" I said Oh Yeah! :D

Meanwhile, we have been shopping like crazy for the girls' pageant outfits... I know exactly what I want, just trying to find the cheapest way to get it :) I'll let you know how that goes - I hope Cadence does well again this year, but more importantly I hope that she has FUN prissing around stage in her outfit.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A few little milestones

This week Tatum started sitting up on her own... now when I say "sitting up" I mean that she has figured out how to make it from her belly to her bottom :). We haven't actually seen her do it, but when we have been going into her room to get her out of her crib she is sitting up grinning like the cheshire cat ♥. I know that we are going to blink and she will be pulling up, standing, walking, and then running - it goes by way too fast!

Cadence's new favorite thing to do is sing - she sings (screams) at the top of her lungs all the time and about everything. She will even pretend that she has a microphone to sing into!

I took both of the girls to the pool yesterday, we went with my friend Lynn and her little boy Jordan who is exactly one year younger than Cadence. All of the babies had a good time, but I think Tatum liked the water best of all - she did SO good for it to be her first time. I hope that we are able to go to the pool several more times this Summer.

I didn't want to post them yet, but I just cannot help myself - here are just a couple of the newest pics of Cadence and Tatum (and Dallas :)) from Tatum's 9month photo session. As always - Lisa Nixon of Loving Touch Photography did them, and they only get better at each session since we are finally getting the girls to both cooperate for pics :).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A few VACA pics (as promised)

Dave & Cadence at the top of Fort Pulaski

Cadence looking at a nest inside the cannon

This was underground in a storage bunker! It was pretty neat

Here they are standing on top of an undergroud tunnel

Me and my big girl before we got started

Swinging in a hammock at the cottage with Tatum ♥

Isn't she just a little doll?

Cadence and her Pop-Pop

Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Other News

Dave started class on Tuesday when we got home from vacation... He has Anatomy & Phisiology II this semester (Summer Semester) and he will be going every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 8:30. I really hate that we will not be able to see him for those two days every week, but he is working toward a goal, and sacrifices have to be made :). I'm still so proud of him for what he is doing for himself and our family. Please keep him in your prayers as he works and goes to school long hours this semester.

Cadence is doing great... she comes up with new stuff every day that makes me laugh. I can't make the kid take a nap anymore, so around 5-6 o'clock every day she starts getting giggly and half-crazed to try to stay awake. She will crack you up with what she does then... it's like her own little Twilight Zone time. We are still not making much progress in the potty training area... she just refuses to do it and I haven't been pushing her. I guess I keep telling myself that she'll do it when she gets ready......... Mentally, she is at the top of her game. She counted to 12 the other day before going straight to 15 :) and she can now tell you what city and state we live in. And I can't fool her with anything - My mom was getting on to her in the car this weekend and told her she could either straighten up or we could turn around and go home, so she said "Yes, my want to go home, take me home Nana!" We were both laughing at that one for a while.

Tatum is doing really well besides the teeth thing. She is still doing her "Army Crawl" on her arms and belly. She is babbling and is still just as loving and smiley as ever. She is a huge flirt with men too ♥. She has also started giving me "Baby Kisses"... you know the ones - big, open-mouthed, slobbery - basically the best kisses ever :). I can't get enough of them! And she is still a Momma's girl which makes me happy too.

Me... I'm peachy keen as always. Still living the slogan "I love my life as a Mommy and wife". I'm amazed every single day at the blessings God has given me. I am SO undeserving, and find it so hard to forgive myself of things even though I know that He has forgiven me. God is good ALL the time, and I'm so glad that he loves and blesses me.


(We went to Tybee Island for the long holiday weekend)

Well as vacations go... it was alright. :) Wasn't the best vacation we've ever had, but it was still nice to get away for a while. Our main setback was that poor little Tatum was cutting teeth the whole time and was MISERABLE! We did get to go to the beach a little bit, and both girls liked the sand but not the water. Dave and I did also take Cadence to Fort Pulaski on Sunday, and she enjoyed that a lot. I have a few pics at home, I'll post them soon.