Monday, January 26, 2009

Good Morning, Good Morning!
So - here is the latest with my family - I (Danielle) have been sick with my 2nd go-round with Strep Throat since last Thursday! I am finally feeling better after being in bed or my recliner for 4 days... seems like it was much harder to beat this time. Anyway, Cadence had a great weekend - she is saying "Amen" so clearly now every time we pray - it is soooo cute! And even though she fell off of the bed this morning, I've already talked to her on the phone, and she is having a ball at her Mumsie's and Poppy's. That's all I know for now...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 2 of Blogging

K.... here's something new to add to my blog - Dave and I bought a treadmill last week and I have been busting a hump on it every day... So far I've lost 5lbs in a week! Go Me! Cadence and Dave are doing good, we had a busy weekend at home cleaning and doing laundry. Cadence helped by getting all of her toys back out after we had them put away - such a big girl! Nothing else to tell I guess...

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Blog!

Well, I am new to this blogging business, but I thought that I might have something to share... I'm sure that nobody will ever look at this, but I think it can work as a sort of diary for me to document what is going on with my family...