Thursday, May 13, 2010


So... another semester has passed and Dave made 2 As again! This means that he is still maintaining his 4.0 and I couldn't be more proud! He will have about 3 wks off and then start his summer classes. I think that he will be taking Anatomy & Phisiology II during this summer session, but I'm not positive. Since his last test was last week he has been so much more relaxed at home this week. He has been able to really focus on me and the girls at night, instead of schoolwork. So I am going to enjoy every minute of his stress-free attitude for the next 3wks and especially on our vacation! I try not to say anything to him about his yucky attitude during the semester unless he absolutely drives me bonkers because I know that he is under a lot of stress. Hopefully this time next year he will be getting ready to start full time in the Physical Therapy Assistant program where he will be going to school and doing clinicals all day, and not working... I can't wait for that time, when he is actually studing the field and doing more hands on work, AND OUT OF TRW!!! I know that he is looking forward to that too. All in all, I still have the best husband in the world... he is the best Daddy our girls' could wish for and he still plays with my hair when he gets the chance :). I love him more and more every day and I'm so proud of him for staying in school and doing so well at it! ♥

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well if anyone has watched the news in the last week they know that Middle Tennessee has been in "deep" trouble! Due to the extreme rain we have been severly flooded... which halted our birthday plans for Dave. At our house, at one point, there were about 8 inches of fast-flowing water whipping all around our house. The water was so high and strong that it was drowning the little moles that lived in the yard and their little bodies were floating away! Thankfully, after the rain let up some, the water went down. Unfortunatly, one neighbor down our road actually had quite a bit of water in their garage/basement. They have a few acres of field by their house that usually holds a little water when it rains... well it was holding a LAKE by Sunday! Here is a pic that I took of it on Tuesday... keep in mind that this was 3 days after most of the rain quit.

Anywho... we did go out to eat at TGIFs, but it was just Me, Dave, Sommer, and Eric. I think we are going to try to get together with family this Sunday for a joint celebration of his B-Day and Mother's Day.

BTW: I'm going in with my bestie and her family to do a Yard Sale this Saturday, May 8th. It will be in Smithville, in the O'Reilly parking lot. I, personally, am selling a glider, baby bath, bouncy seat, car seat, stroller, Nascar model cars, and TONS of baby girl clothes. Come by if you can ♥