Monday, April 25, 2011

Quick Update

I really don't have time to be posting, but I can't help myself! Easter was great, the girls got more than they needed and hunted eggs like foxes :). Spray tan was a success. Church was great. Spring cleaning has nearly broken me down, but I'm determined to get my house under control before Dave starts his program (fingers crossed).

Now for the really exciting news. I went grocery shopping for the first time last night after my couponing class. We really needed groceries so I was going to go regardless. I only used Sommer's leftover coupons, and only on things we already buy, but even so - I SAVED $97!!!! Can you believe it? For my first time I was blown away! And I got $10 in catalina coupons printed with my receipt! Can you imagine what my savings will be when I'm actually getting the coupons first and really spending time doing this before shopping?!?!?! I am excited just thinking about how much more I can save. I saved big bucks on big ticket items too - like diapers and coffee (which are necessities at my house). Here are two pics that I took with my phone... keep in mind it's 10:30 at night :). I can't wait to go shopping again! (Not that I really need too since I got a month's worth last night).

Also, we are now 8 days from Dave's interview. Please continue to keep him in your prayers, he is REALLY stressed!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What a week :)

Blogging from home today, going to see how this works :). Today is the first day I've clipped coupons and I'm really excited. My bestie, mom, Mumsie, and a couple of other friends took a couponing class last week and learned some great info! Now I just have to put the things I learned into practice. I am really excited to see how much money I can save and how many items I can get for free. I'll keep you updated on my progress (especially if I make a really good deal) over the next few months. Also, I have been gearing up for a big clean at my house this weekend. Our wonderful cleaning lady is coming tomorrow for her usual magic, and after that I am going to go on a purge streak like no other! I have been looking at all our extra clothes, toys, and junk for too long now and I'm ready for a good old fashioned spring cleaning. Stay tuned on Monday to see how far I've made it. Goodwill is going to be making a killing in us this month! Also this weekend (since it is a long one) I am going for a Girls Day Out on Friday. We are going to see 'Water for Elephants',go out to eat, and to get a spray tan! I am really excited about all 3 of those things ;). Then of course Sunday is Easter and that's always cause for celebration. I hope everyone feels as truly blessed as I do this week. I can't believe Jesus died such a horrible death for someone like me. I am completely undeserving and thankful God sacrificed his son for us all. I couldn't begin to comprehend sacrificing one of my girls for ANYone else, much less EVERYONE else. Thank you Lord for your generous gift to me and my family.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It's time to get excited! In exactly 2wks, which is 14 days (since I'm on a daily countdown myself) David will be in his interview for the program! I am so excited and confident for him. The devil still tries to sneak his litte voice into my head - planging seeds of doubt, but I know that MY God is in control and his plan is bigger than ours. Please keep Dave in your prayers, ask for calmness and confidence. We are very blessed to have such great family and friends. Everyone has been so supportive over the last two years while Dave has been in school and working. I don't know how I would have stayed sane without so much help and support.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Here are a couple of pics of my sweet girls... I have never put Tatum's hair up, but I thought it looked cute like this :) My babies were both in a good mood and wanting to "Cheese" it up


Monday, April 11, 2011

Sorry Folks :)

Haven't updated like I should. The girls are doing well... I just signed Cadence up for gymnastics! She starts on April 27th. Tatum is more opinionated every day and won't stay inside, she wants to be outside ALL day EVERY day. Dave is still doing great in school (read earlier post). As for me... I am excited about all the orders I have coming in with my small side business... I was up until 1am this morning trying to get canvases painted. Please be sure to keep checking out my other blog - - for updates with that. Also, I am going to a couponing class this Thursday and I'm SUPER excited about that. When Dave quits working we are going to need all the extra pennies we can save. I'll tell you all about it later, and I'll do my best to get some stinkin' pics up :) . Hope you all have a blessed week!


Interview Date

Praise the good Lord - we have an interview date for Dave!!! It is exactly 22 days from today - May 3rd. This is the day after his birthday and isn't that a great present?!?! I have a countdown going on my white board at work :) Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares for this in the next 3wks.


Friday, April 8, 2011

New Design

I'm sure you've noticed the new pics and layout. The pics are just some of the buttercup session that we had with Lisa and Jenna of LovingTouch Portraits. As usual, one of the girls (Tatum) didn't want to have her picture taken, but Lisa was still able to get a few great ones. You can see all of them at Also, my new layout is thanks to my sister-in-law Jenna. She runs her own business doing web design and making personalized paper products. As a family member, I am pleased to showcase some of her designs when she gets new material. I love this color scheme and the pics of my beauties up top. You can find her business on Facebook and at She can design a blog/website template for you or make any kind of announcement, invitation, stationary your heart desires! Thank you so much Jenna!!!