Monday, July 26, 2010

♥ Winner's Circle ♥

I don't have time right this minute to post the pics, but I promise I will soon. Just wanted to tell the world that BOTH of my baby girls got 1st Runner Up in their DeKalb County Fair Pageants!!! I felt like I was on cloud 9! I wasn't really that surprised that Tatum placed because she just cheeses all over the place all the time and she grinned so big to the judges. But Miss Priss didn't really show off her beautiful smile in her pageant... the judges got to see Miss "I'm hot and really tired of this mess" face :). She still placed though! Also, Cadence got to ride several rides and play several games this year. I can't wait to post the pics, hopefully I can get it done tonight or tomorrow.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Droid and iPad

I am actually posting this from my brand new iPad!! As excited as I was to get my new phone today - which turned out to be a Droid- I was totally floored by getting this iPad as a surprise gift. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am about this... And it'll probably take me 2 yes to figure everything out, but I don't care. From now on if any of you have any question as to what to get me for a gift - iTunes gift card it is!!!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Bye Bye

Last night my little Tater waved and SAID "Bye Bye" to her Pa... I was getting so mushy about it, in fact, I'm tearing up just typing about it! She's been working on saying it for a week or two now, but hasn't put the waving and saying it together like that. Her chubby little hand was just opening and closing and I couldn't believe that she had done it! It is so amazing to me that just in the last 3 wks she has started pulling up to standing, saying so much, and fussing when I say No. She can say: DaDa, Hi, Uh-Oh, and Bye Bye. She is just like her big sister when she cries out after being scolded too. My babies are just growing up WAY too fast!

Cadence got in trouble Saturday night for acting like she was smoking her blue crayon at The Old Spagetti Factory... we don't know where she got that because nobody in either family smokes, but she did it none the less! Then she also colored all over my car window because she snuck that same crayon into the car! But she's still my sweet angel - she still tells me that I'm her best friend.

My daughters are the best thing that has ever happened to me ♥

Cadence at Olive Garden with her olive on her finger (her usual thing)

Tatum pulling all the books off the bookshelf (her usual thing)