Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Friday Bounty!

Wanted to tell everybody what I got last Friday when we went on our shopping extravaganza! We started at 11:00 Thursday night to be exact, and got to the Wal-Mart in Murfreesboro at 11:45. We were totally disgusted about the state of things there and decided to leave! (We have never given up on Wal-Mart before, but it was a total bust) So my mom and I went to Target and waited in line, outside in the sleet, until they opened at 4:00 and we ran through the store getting what we needed. It was GREAT! Then we went to a couple more stores - but I'll just give you the run-down on what all I got:

  • New Digital Camera (Nikon L110)

  • Dave a NICE new coffeemaker

  • TONS of movies for the girls' Christmas

  • A dual-screen DVD player for the car

  • A new Coach purse (this was Dave's Birthday/Christmas present for me)

  • New undergarments (which is totally exciting for me)

  • Some clothes and house-shoes for the girls

  • A new snow globe for the girls (that is what they collect - both girls LOVE them)

  • A new LED flashlight (believe it or not I was really excited about this... I can never find one when I need it and this one was on sale from $20 to $6.99!)

  • And a few other items - gifts for other family members and for the girls

It was a huge success! Can't wait to post some pics taken with my new digital camera

Friday, November 12, 2010

Well..... here I go again! It's been a month since my last post and someone in my family has been sick ever since! Tatum has had round after round of illness bless her little heart. She had a cold that turned into a sinus infection that turned into Roseola! Then Cadence brought home a stomach bug (Thank you so much CadiMor) that she gave to EVERYONE! The order of the infected is as follows: Cadence, Dave, Me, Tatum, Mumsie, Uncle Dan, Barbara... hopefully Barbara will be the last. Thankfully, everyone is currently well and I'm praying that we all stay that way. There are just two more weeks until Thanksgiving and I cannot wait! Our Thanksgiving tradition for the last 3yrs has been to have all of the families over to my house for the big meal on Thursday evening. It is always a big hustle/bustle to get everything fixed in time and make sure my house is clean enough, but I LOVE it!!!! I wake up on Thanksgiving morning and immediately get excited about everything going on. I turn on my Christmas music and start cooking and getting out the extra tables and chairs, warms my heart just thinking about it. Then after the family is stuffed, the kitchen is clean and the kids are playing, my mom and I map out our route for the shopping extravaganza to be started in just a few hours. Black Friday is as big a holiday as any other for my mom and me, and we always start out that morning at about 3:00am! We run and shop until we get everything we need, then we eat brunch out somewhere, then we go home to nap and show off our bounty. :) Then on Friday evening - I put up the Christmas Tree!!!!!!! I truly cannot wait to see how the girls react to the tree this year. I have all new ornaments and the colors are great, it's going to be beautiful. So... just had to have that wave of nostalgia... now for updates:

Dave is doing great in school. Making straight As as usual. He just has a few weeks left of this semester and has already registered for his class for next semester. He is on the home stretch of one aspect of school and on the cusp of another. In the Spring he will be applying to the Physical Therapy Assisting Program. I'll tell you all the details of that process when it gets closer to that time, but I am already praying about it.

Cadence is doing well in school. All of the little boys in her class love her, which makes me proud :). (Doesn't do a lot for Dave though I'll tell ya!) She is doing great with the potty training, only having accidents on some days, and telling me most of the time when she needs to go. I don't know what people are talking about the "Terrible Twos" though, because she was great at two.... Now at three... that is a different story! She is SOOOOO strong willed and opinionated! She is totally unrelenting when she makes up her mind, and it usually ends in a spanking or a toy being taken away. Cadence wants to be mean to her sister and aggravate every chance she gets, which makes me angry. I find myself yelling at her a lot and it really makes me feel bad. I don't think that she's gone one full day without getting in trouble in the last 2wks (except for maybe the days that she was sick). I'm hoping that she will realize that I am the boss of her and not the other way around soon so that we can go back to the "Terrific Threes". I still love her to pieces and pieces in case you were wondering ♥.

Tatum is doing well. She is walking when she wants to, but she still thinks that she can crawl faster, so that is her preferred method of travel. She is starting to say more words, like Ball, Balloon, Good Girl, and she makes a little brrrmm noise when playing with any kind of automobile. She is the most ticklish little thing you could imagine and I love to tickle her until she is red in the face from laughing. This daughter of mine is also a Diva though, and likes to get her way. She screetches when she wants to get her point across and that is enough to make you want to scream :). She is having to learn the meaning of the word "No" and doesn't take kindly to the lessons. I love it when she looks at me and pops her little lips in a kissing motion... she wins my smile over with this one a lot now. I love squeezing my little TaTa as much as possible.

As for me, I am good... I find myself thinking about my age a lot lately, probably since my birthday is just around the corner... I will be entering my "Late Twenties" next year and wonder how I'll feel when the big 30 is upon me. Even though I'm not really excited about the numbers of my years flashing by, I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far. I have a job that I love, which earns enough to support my family. I have a wonderful husband who goes out of his way to better himself and do whatever he can for me and the girls. I have two AMAZING daughters who make the sun rise and set for me. I have two families that would and have done anything for me at the drop of a hat. And I have friendships that have been built and thrive on love and trust. There are so many more things I want to do in the coming years, and I can't wait until Dave and I can see our goals come together. But for where I am right now, at 25 years old, I am pretty stinkin' proud of my life. I know that none of it would be possible if I didn't have Jesus as my Savior, and I thank God every day for the gift of His son. I always have so much more than I deserve.

As always, I'll try to do better about posting so that there isn't just a book to post each month :)