Friday, May 29, 2009

6 Months

I can't believe that I am hitting the 6 month mark today... seems like I was just posting that I was 8wks and feeling like crap. This pregnancy has been SO different from my first : more sickness, awful headaches, weight gain (I've already gained 10 whereas I only gained 14 for the entire pregnancy with Cadence), the way I'm carrying - I thought Cadence stayed in my ribs, but I feel like this baby just lives in my chest cavity - I stay out of breath, and of course this pregnancy time is slipping up on us more quickly as evident by the fact that besides a pack of white onsies, we have bought nothing for this baby. As of now, we have no names picked out, no clothes, no diapers, and no furniture! But luckily we still have a few more months. I do think that this baby will come closer to the due date than Cadence did (a week late) because my uterus is measuring right on target with my due date, and people say your 2nd baby comes quicker... I'll keep my fingers crossed! My next doc's appt is June 17, so I will post again about how the baby is doing then.

In other news - my sweet dog Davah had a tumor cut off of her ear on Tuesday and I am happy to report that the vet called me this morning and told me that it wasn't cancer! It was just a benign mass that some young dogs get - something about blood vessels... Of course I'm happy as a lark because Dave and I have had her for almost 4 years and she truly is like our first child.

Hopefully we will be getting out on the boat this weekend, so I will post pics of Cadence in all of her summerwear as soon as possible. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

22 wks

Had a wonderful doctor's visit yesterday... The baby's heartbeat was 151 and I'll just tell you, it was hard to get. As soon as the nurse put the doppler on my stomach the baby kicked it - I mean - kicked the doppler so hard that the nurse lifted it back off of my stomach and said "Wow, the baby doesn't like that does it?!" Then, she had to chase the little stinker down several times and got kicked again for her effort! We were both laughing about the baby's stubbornness and she finally asked me what I had eaten for breakfast to make this child so wild. I did gain 4lbs this month - which I was not happy about, but the doctor said that was perfect weight gain and I should continue to gain 1/2 - 1lb per week for the remainder of the pregnancy. I'm thinking I'm going to go home and bust a hump (literally) on the treadmill for the next 3months! My uterus measured 23wks, which is right on target for my Sept. 18 due date. I did also mention to the doctor that I pulled a muscle in my stomach last week and she stressed the importance of not lifting heavy objects over my head... which I knew - I just had a stubborn moment and wanted to do something myself. So, all in all, it was just a fun appointment. I go back in 4wks for my 26wk checkup and then I start on week 28 with 2wk checkups... seems like this pregnancy has gone by so much faster than my first.

Monday, May 11, 2009

No Cancer!

Happy to report that Mumsie's tumor was completely benign... now I continue my plan to wear her down with my babies!

Just A Bunch of Good Stuff

The Relay for Life was wonderful! Mumsie walked a whole lap while Cadence laid back in the stroller. She goes today to find out the results of the biopsy of her tumor and to have her staples removed... hopefully I'll have a good report for the next post.

My Mother's Day was wonderful, Dave and Cadence got me lots of flowers to plant on the front porch from my favorite greenhouse and I got a carnation along with all the other mothers at church. I love Mother's Day!

Another fun thing to post - Dave got to feel the baby kick for the first time last night! He'll probably spend the next 4 months rubbing my stomach to try to feel it again (he did with Cadence). I think it just gives him a little connection to the baby, and I certainly don't mind the extra loving. :) Cadence also definitely knows that there is a baby growing in my stomach - her new favorite thing to say is "Baby" while pointing at my stomach... she's even taken to kissing it when she wants to be sweet!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby #2

We had our 20wk ultrasound yesterday and it went GREAT! The baby was squirming around everywhere, but we got an awesome DVD and several good snapshots. The baby's heartbeat was 161 beats per minute and so far everything looks great. (the radiologist will read the ultrasound sometime before my next OB appt to confirm that everything is fine) As hard as it was not to find out, we held strong and did not discover the sex of the baby... so now it is just a waiting game until September! So far, everyone who has seen the ultrasound pictures thinks that the baby is a girl, and I must say, I have the same feeling... but who knows?!?!?

I'm really excited about the Relay for Life tomorrow night - I'm going to take a bunch of pictures, so I will post them soon. I'm also looking forward to my 2nd Mother's Day as a Mother on Sunday... I can't believe I'm so blessed!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bad Dream

When I was pregnant with Cadence I started having dreams early on... these dreams would range from Baby Dreams to Nightmares - but for whatever reason, my entire pregnancy was plagued by frequent dreams. This pregnancy has been no different. The dreams are just as numerous, and just as broad. But I can't seem to forget last night's dream as I have been able to do with most of the others. Last night I dreamed that my Uncle Mitchell wasn't dead. I dreamed that he had only been away for this past 8 months, and he had to keep it a secret, so he faked his death. I can't tell you how happy and excited my family was, it seems like my Mumsie, mom, and me just held each other and sobbed like big babies because we were so overcome with joy. And of course my Uncle Mitch was making fun of us (and crying too) for being such drama queens. Then I came to the point in the dream when I knew that it wasn't real. I felt like the whole world was crashing down on me again and I struggled to stay in that dream for as long as I could just to be with him again.

I thought that the hurt would ease. Some days I barely think about him, or his awful death, and I'm thankful that I have a wild little girl to run after to occupy my thoughts and time... but there are still days when his death consumes my every thought and I hide in the bathroom wherever I am and cry. I wonder if the pain and dissappointment will lessen in the years to come? Can you ever overcome the grief of the death of a loved one? Will I think of him tonight as I close my eyes to sleep?

As sweet as it was to be in that "fantasy" for a few minutes, it was another bitter blow when I realized that it wasn't real. I pray for a dreamless sleep tonight.