Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello all! Sorry it's been so long but you know how it goes :).
Everyone is doing great... Dave quit TRW and is in school full time now. We all love having him home at night and on the weekends and the Honey-Do list is getting shorter every week. He has a lot of work with school... last week it was 3 exams and 2 research papers, but he is adjusting well.
Cadence is FINALLY completely potty-trained (thought that would never happen). Health-wise she couldn't be better. She is all princess/diva/drama queen, I can't wait to see what she does at the Fair Pageant this year. Her and Tatum do fight a lot, but they also love each other a lot.
Tatum is our little tomboy... she can fall flat on her face or get really hurt and never whimper! She'll just keep doing what she's doing. Her biggest issue right now is biting - the kid is a serious biter!

Since we are on 1 income we are spending a lot of time at home and we really don't mind at all :). I have been doing really well with my couponing and am able to save at least 50% on our groceries consistently - sometimes up to 75%. I love doing it even though it takes a lot of time. We also joined a new church a few months ago and have been SO blessed by that. We are there whenever the doors are open and the girls are just as excited about it as me and Dave. I never thought that I would find a Sunday School class that I would not be able to wait for Sunday morning for. Don't get me wrong - I have grown up in church my whole life... but I feel an extreme sense of satisfaction where we are now and have learned more than I have in the last couple of years at other churches. We love the members and are also blessed by the fellowship we have with them, and of course, they all think that our girls hung the moon :). Dave and I both helped teach Vacation Bible School this year (something he's never done) and were also blessed by that. Overall I feel an extreme since of satisfaction and peace with my life right now. The list of things that I want to do is still as long as my arm, but I feel completely contented with where we are at this moment. I wish that everyone had this sense of peace about their lives. :)

Head on over to the other blog now - I'm finally going to update it too! :)

Love you all!!!
